
The College has well maintained Science Laboratories (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computers, Home Economics and Junior Science Labs) with state-of-the-art equipment for the performance of scientific experiments, measurement and data collection. Instructions are given in parallel to tutorials and practices on the under-lying principles of the respective subjects. Trained technicians facilitate the conduct of laboratory exercises in small manageable groups and ensure that adequate precautionary measures are in place for a safe and secure environment.


The College Libraries

offer a literary portal for mental and spiritual enlightenment. The Main Library, including libraries in the Wings, is equipped with a wide variety of genres fiction, nonfiction academic, general titles, journals, periodicals, newspapers and reference books to meet the curricula needs of the student community and the teaching fraternity. Modern educational tools, gadgets and devices are also available to make classroom instructions effective, meaningful and interesting.


Extracurricular activities are a vital, playful component of a well rounded education program enhancing students’ time and stress management skills improving overall productivity and, therefore, greatly encouraged. Students display their talent through various competitions, contests, quizzes, debates, declamations, elocution, science exhibitions, talent shows, outdoor educational visits, excursions, stage shows, musical bands, choirs, public speaking etc and mustering the traits such as discipline, goal setting, teamwork, accountability and responsibility, helping to cope with challenges in the future.


The Auditorium, a spacious, fully air-conditioned hall custom built is available for indoor functions, rehearsals presentations, performing arts, learning spaces, debates and declamations and for examination needs.


Other Facilities

A full time Lady Medical Officer is available in the well equipped Sick Room to administer First Aid and to cater to any unforeseen medical emergency within the College premises.


Cafeterias have been set up at suitable locations in the different Wings to cater to the student’s palate eatables, confectionery. hot and cold beverages are available at competitive rates on cash payments. 

In Sporting, coaching facilities and annual competitions in indoor and outdoor games are a distinctive feature, available to boys and girls separately. A sprawling green playfield with netball and throw ball courts is available, alongwith qualified Physical Training Instructors. Boys are coached in Football, Basketball, Hockey, Cricket, Badminton, Volleyball, athletics and Table Tennis. Girls are coached in Badminton, Ring Pass, Volleyball, Basket Ball, Net ball, Athletics and Table Tennis.

Transport facility is available to the faculty and students on payment of charges. 

College Magazine

The College Magazine ‘AL – BAHR’ is a window to Bahria College Karachi. The annual bilingual feature / yearbook provide the young students with an effective forum to express their views and thoughts, both in English and in Urdu.

The textual and pictorial material, comprising of articles, essays and snapshots by the students reflect their maturity of thought and expression, in depth understanding of social issues, peppered and balanced with a tinge of both humor and criticism. An editorial board comprising of students and teachers work in tandem for the publication of ‘AL BAHR’.
